It pursues its objectives for the development of sustainable regional tourism, with the protection and enhancement of the historical, artistic and cultural heritage of the territory and the landscape, natural resources and the environment. It also promotes sustainable lifestyles, with production and consumption based on consumer protection, a balanced and respectful relationship between human beings, other living beings and the environment as a whole. Slow Turism Alto Adige.
We are a group of cultural managers who seek to enhance cultural life: We have an innovative vision in launching projects that encourage and promote talent and creativity, the exchange of experiences and cultural cooperation. Through artistic and cultural projects we try to involve citizens to reflect on contemporary artistic challenges with an eye on the future. We understand the different facets of contemporary art and culture (audiovisual, music, performing arts, anthropology, ecology, feminism, queer movement...) as tools of social transformation and as vehicles of understanding and cohesion of citizens. La Periferica CC